21Mar 2019

The new firmware for NetAgent 9 DY / CY / BY / DL models have been updated to version 3.7 We highly recommend to upgrade your stock unit and also ask your clients to upgrade to the newest firmware version to enhance the stability and improve on communication. This is for the standard firmware only, […]

20Mar 2019

Xtreme Power M90S UPS is a scalable, modular, flexible solution that combines continuous power availability and the highest efficiency for mission critical applications. M90S provides unity power factor output (kVA = kW) providing maximum usable power and avoids any need to oversize the UPS. Maintenance bypass and output distribution within the UPS frame eliminate the […]

18Feb 2019

UPS sizing is generally expressed in VA (apparent power) and Watts (real power). Power Factor is the ratio of the two. UPSs must be sized with both numbers taken into consideration.  While Watts expresses the real power that is being consumed, VA also expresses the maximum current value allowed. If either of these parameters are […]

01Oct 2018

Xtreme Power costs have increased due to USTR China import tariffs, effective September 24, as well as numerous price increases in raw materials and transportation. In an effort to off set part of these cost increases, on November 1, 2018, Xtreme Power will be increasing prices an average of 4-6%. You have come to trust […]

01Oct 2018

E90 UPS provides high power density, three phase double conversion power for IT edge, small data centers, retail stores, and industrial applications. E90 features unity output power factor to support up to 25% more critical loads than similar competitive UPS. Up to 50% smaller than competitive units, the E90 provides compact, all-in-one, energy efficient solution. […]